We have heard from businesses across the country complaining that their internet connections at home and the office are horrible during the quarantine. Poor internet access is affecting their ability to communicate with customers and be productive while working from home. Salespeople and technicians from competing providers are quick to tell you that if you switch to their service, everything will be better. However, depending on the CAUSE of your issues, switching providers may not solve the problem. City Communications is here to help you get to the root of your issues and implement a real solution.
What Problems Are You Experiencing? Internet Bouncing Up and Down
Poor Call Quality
Poor Video Conferencing
If you are having any of these issues with your business or work-from-home employees and would like our expert help, schedule a FREE Virtual Meeting below with one of our specialists. With solutions available from our over 150 providers, we can help you alleviate the issues for good. Contact us today to discuss your situation.
Everyone has been impacted by the shutdown and we are receiving tons of calls from customers asking what they can do to reduce their monthly expenses. Here are the top 7 things that we are doing right now. Contact us today to discuss your situation and how we might be able to help you out. Or get started by completing the FREE Technology Assessment.
1. Request credits and/or relief from vendors. If you are in a business that is shut down right now, many of the carriers are rolling out linkprograms and processes for suspending charges or giving credits during the shutdown. 2. Do a FREE CityCare Technology Assessment (currently offered for FREE). The assessment will allow us to look at all of your services and make recommendations will reduce your costs while meeting your needs now and after the shutdown. Start the Assessment Now. 3. Telecom Expense Management. We have a few great TEM (Telecom Expense Management) options that allow are a great way for organizations to save money by having all of their invoices automatically loaded into the system, analyzed, and even paid. Typically the cost is 2-4% of your monthly spend, but the savings found from unneeded services, billing errors, accounting time, and more will typically yield a 10-15% return. 4. Migrate to an SD WAN network. If you are using MPLS or private line connections to connect your offices and people, we should look at moving your to an SD WAN network. You can use cheaper connections, have more visibility and control, and best of all it is simple to deploy. You can even add devices to some or all of your work-from-home employees to help them prioritize business traffic like phone calls and video calls over Netflix and Xbox streaming. 5. Migrate to a Hosted Phone System for your office workers and contact center personnel. All of our providers are offering special incentives, low or no term agreements, and fast-start options to get your people connected and working from home. Best of all, when the shutdown is over, you can continue to use the solutions in the office or at home. 6. Consider Carrier Aggregation. Some of our customers have found savings in switching carriers and/or aggregating their services with one of our carrier aggregators. Typically you can aggregate things like: Broadband Internet, POTs lines, and mobile devices and plans. 7. Review cell phone and mobile device options. It is painful to migrate everyone over to a new carrier with new devices. We can do it if your current carrier(s) aren’t working for you, or we can look at one of our aggregation carriers that will help you set limits, manage usage plans, and handle upgrading and replacing devices. The service typically pays for itself and then some, by reducing overages and soft-cost time of dealing with all of it. You can also lock down devices to only be used for business applications as we continue to evolve in this work-from-home environment.
City Communications can be a resource for dealing with the mandated work-from-home situation that we all face. Many clients are scrambling around to implement a new strategy or shore up the one that they had in place. Below are a few of the things that we might be able to help with:
Video Conferencing Meetings Collaboration We have a number of stand-alone solutions available including: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, If you have (or are interested in) a hosted phone solution, many of them include a conferencing option with the seats. We work with top companies such as: FluentStream, CityHosted, Nextiva, 8x8, Jive, and many more. There is a ton of promotions out right now and a lot of support. Work-from-home Kits We also have some providers that can provide turnkey solutions to working from home for your employees. The solutions could include: mobile wifi devices and plans, tablet devices, laptops, etc. Even more important is the fact that they can configure them and lock them down so that your employees are only using them for work functions and not other stuff. They can be pre-configured and dropshipped to your employees for an easy touch-free deployment. Typically there is a minimum of 25 devices for this type of service. Contact Center We have a number of solutions that would allow you to turn up a new group of agents working from home using their own internet connections while still giving you visibility, reporting, and remote listen and barge capabilities. Backup and Restore As we are having more people work from home, it is more critical to make sure that you have your services backed up and that they are easy to restore if you have a user accidentally (or intentionally) delete files. We have a number of providers that can help you with the configurations and policies necessary to work in a remote environment. Bandwidth for VPN, MPLS, or SD-WAN If you have an existing solution extending your local network, you may find that it was not built to have 100% of your employees working remotely. If you need to upgrade your current bandwidth or add additional redundant connections, we can help. If there is anything else that you are working on that I might be able to help with, please let us know. We would be happy to help try and run down a solution for you.
So many of us are navigating how to remain working and keep ourselves safe (and do the right thing for the greater society). When face with any of the three significant business impacts of our new working reality, there are numerous technologies and services (sometimes free or low-cost programs) to help you.
We are available to help you. All of City Communications is available to help you. Call us, email us, or request a 30-minute call with us about anything related to your communications, remote-worker, call-center, or expense management concerns. We're here to help.
Call Us at (800) 289-1828
or With the recent concerns about the impact of Coronavirus on businesses of all shapes and sizes, we have been getting calls and emails from customers asking what they could do now to prepare. We put together a few things that you can do to help your employees continue to be productive while working at home, and to minimize any impacts to your business or customers while they are working at home.
Get a Hosted Phone System Hosted phone systems allow you to plug your phones into the internet and work from anywhere. You might use it for your entire organization or just a specific group such as customer service, sales, or a contact center. We represent a wide range of hosted phone providers and can help you find the solution that meets your needs and fits your budget. New systems can be implemented in as soon as 2-4 weeks. Have a Call Center? If you have an existing call center, your agents are often working in close proximity to each other and therefore potentially more at risk of community spread. We recommend setting up a least a few work-from-home seats set up in a queue and then be able to point traffic to the queue for any agents that you will have working at home. We have a number of providers that can handle this type of situation with out needing to replace your existing call center solution. The cost per agent is typically under $50/month/agent and will allow you a viable solution should you need it. Already have a Hosted Phone System from CityHosted? 1. Download Mobile App Each employee that may be working at home can download the the Mobile app to use on their mobile devices or computer. This will allow them to continue to make and receive calls as if they were in the office and also to be part of hunt groups and queues. 2. Bring Phones Home Employees can take their hosted phones with them and plug them into their home broadband connection. They will need to power the phones by plugging them into a PoE (Power Over Ethernet) adapter or an AC power adapter. If you need to purchase additional power adapters, please contact your sales rep. Most brands are approximately $25 per adapter. 3. Order Additional Phones Some employees may want to have a phone at the office and one at the house rather than bring their exisitng phone back and forth. Their phone number can then be setup to ring both phones so that regardless of where they are, they are still connected. Hopefully you won’t be impacted, but we want to be prepared in case you are. Please let us know if there is anything else you need help with including internet access, wireless access, networking offices together, and more.
Are you trying to figure out how to leverage AI for your organization or select the best solution? If you are, I think I can help.
Here's what can AI do for you?
City Communications has an AI partner that has consistently delivered the industry's leading results. Their team comes from Google, Oracle, Amazon, and are award winning CX leaders with proven case studies in conversational commerce, customer service, and consumer sentiment understanding, to deliver meaningful results. Their success comes from experience as does ours and they have processed +20 billion messages that align enterprise or SMB objectives with effective AI for companies like Netflix, Facebook, Toyota and Capital One. The ‘smart’ system delivers tangible results by taking care of the integration entirely or turning your team into AI experts. So why not talk to the Experts? And the best thing is our partner can easily implement a low cost pilot into your existing infrastructure in four to six weeks! Schedule a meeting to discuss your current environment and see how we can work together on any of your upcoming projects. Are you going to Customer Contact Week in Vegas?
Tuesday, June 25th
8:00pm-11:00pm Mirage VIP Suite Las Vegas, NV If you are attending Customer Contact Week in Las Vegas, come join us in our luxury suite in The Mirage for a VIP Cocktail Social. AND Agency, City Communications, and Assero Security, are hosting this VIP, invite-only, event. Enjoy free cocktails and snacks, peer networking in a casual environment. Please RSVP below to be added to the guest list. You will be entered to win a $25 Starbucks Gift Card just for registering, even if you do not attend the VIP Social. For attendees, there will be drawings and winners will receive Amazon Gift Cards, Starbucks Gift Cards and other exciting prizes. We will email and text you the exact Suite # when it gets assigned to us at check-in. Not currently registered for CCW? Register today and get an additional 20% off your pass when you use the code 20CCW_PACE. Can't make it? If this time doesn't work for you, let's make sure and touch base regardless. Simply fill out the form with some days and times that would work for you so we can discuss any upcoming projects you have.
When we build scopes of work for client projects, Artificial Intelligence (AI) inevitably comes up. It’s typically phrased as a requirement. “Any new system must use AI.” But what exactly does "It has to have AI" mean?
What makes an AI-powered technology special in comparison to other software programs is that it can ‘think’ for itself. In business, AI is being used to enhance and supplement human interaction between customers and businesses; to provide automated self-help in customer support and service centers, to create a web or chat-based sales platform, to mine data sets and provide the kind of rich intelligence a business can act on.
Just like any computer program, AI receives input, and then does what it’s programmed to do with that input, and creates an output. Type the word ‘hello’ on your keyboard into a word-processing application (input), and ‘hello’ appears in a document on your screen wherever your cursor was at the time (output). The difference between AI and a standard computer program is that standard computer programs require their input to conform to the rigid structures it has been programmed to expect. AI can take input that doesn’t follow a strict set of rules and first interpret it into something meaningful, then execute against that understanding. Think of how you interact with Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant versus a phone menu where you have to press a number key to select an option. That's AI.
AI is so powerful because rather than it being a single software program called AI with limited capabilities, the technology is a set of computing capabilities that when bundled together create the simulated natural interaction experience.
These key AI components allow integration into present systems and also can work independently to create the capabilities Call Centers are looking for today.
Here’s a summary:
Natural Language Processing/Natural Language Understanding - Natural Language Processing (NLP) is just as it sounds; computing technology that takes input from a human being, in the form of speech or text, and interprets its meaning into something useful. Making NLP computing work involves recognizing speech, understanding natural language, and being able to generate natural language responses. Allowing customers to navigate automated self-help using commands in their natural language rather than have to follow strict response rules is an example of NLP in the business AI stack.
Sentiment Analysis - Sentiment Analysis detects, classifies and analyzes the tone, wording, volume, pitch and other characteristics of a human speech (voice or text). Sentiment analysis is widely used in the contact center world to analyze recorded calls between customers and agents for quality assurance and training purposes. Sentiment analysis is also being used to drive routing and service decisions during live interactions (transfer callers who are exhibiting frustration with an automated system to a live agent, for example).
Machine Learning – Straight from Wikipedia: Machine learning (ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models computer systems use to effectively perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead. Machine learning algorithms build a mathematical model based on sample data, known as training data, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task. AI is fed examples of interaction to follow, then ‘learns’ the most successful responses so it can achieve greater and greater success at handling the interaction.
Object Recognition - Object recognition allows the camera (and other sensors) on any device to recognize and categorize objects. It is the genesis of facial and fingerprint recognition. Human beings are object and pattern-recognition machines; we can recognize all kinds of objects without much effort, even objects in differing conditions, lighting, orientation, distance, motion, etc. Computers equipped with cameras and other sensors can ‘see’ objects, but still struggle to interpret what they’re seeing. Object Recognition is a discipline in computer science that tackles this challenge, a vital component to replicating natural human interaction in the AI stack.
Augmented and Virtual Reality – Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive computing experience laid over the top of a real-world environment. Objects that reside in the actual-world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information. Imagine pointing your phone’s camera at a shopping high street and seeing offers and deals floating above the shops in view. Virtual reality is a fully-immersive simulated environment that replaces the real world. Both are being used in the AI stack to create richer digital interaction experiences for customers.
We hope this brief rundown of the computing power that’s driving the business AI revolution has been helpful. Next, we’ll walk you through products and services that are available now through our vendor partners so you can leverage the AI stack to create all kinds of automated workflows.
If you’ve been contemplating the implementation of AI technology into your contact center, contact us at City Communications. We can help you make the right decisions to maximize your return on investment and explore new technologies for your contact center
The subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come up a lot lately. Some people fear it intensely. Some executives want it. Some IT and telecom managers want to understand how to deliver and manage it. And a thousand companies want you to believe they can deliver it.
When we drill into what AI means to these various people, one of two operating perspectives is usually at play.
The first perspective is gloom and doom. AI is coming to take your job. AI will be used to trick and con people. AI will gain awareness of itself and begin to act with its own survival and interests in mind, turning against human beings in the process. These fears are stoked in the media, in movies and television, and especially in our social media feeds.
The second perspective on AI says that the technology will enhance humanity, raise us a level up the evolutionary scale. AI will make smarter business decisions than us. AI and Machine Learning promise to improve customer experience infinitely, making interactions between customers and your business so natural that customers will prefer it to working with your human staff. This version of AI is served up to us in ads and the think pieces our bosses are clipping out of magazines and dropping on our desks when they say “get me some AI.”
The truth is, AI isn’t either of those things. Sure, AI and machine learning is already having a positive impact in customer interaction, bringing efficiencies and competitive advantage to those who insert it into the right places in their workflow. But AI is not the second coming. It can’t solve all the world’s problems. It is a burgeoning technology that still needs time to evolve.
AI you can actually buy
Understanding what AI is and how to take advantage of it as the modern business tool it is means understanding two things.
The first understanding is that AI is not a single thing. AI is not an individual technological instance. It is, instead, a stack of software programs and technologies used in different configurations. Properly combined, this stack of capabilities can automate workflows to either reduce the amount of expensive human labor involved, or increase productivity and efficiency beyond the capacity of your human employees. We’ll be posting more about this in our next blog entry, but the stack includes natural language processing, sentiment analysis, machine learning, object recognition, and so on. Well executed, these tools can create automated interactions that can look and feel like a natural, albeit augmented, experience.
The other important understanding about AI is to know the difference between the fact and fiction of AI. Rather than expect the technology to deliver false promises, it’s better to understand the realistic, ready-to-use AI applications that exist today, that you could apply to your business if you wanted to. Bots, robo-dialers, intelligent interactive voice response (IVR) systems, virtual contact-center agents, speech analytics (keyword detection and sentiment analysis, and AI-powered data analysis are all available if you know how to build a scope, find partners who specialize in delivering the AI stack and can properly manage an AI project. Which, by the way, we do ;-)
So what do you think? What do you want to know about AI? What do you want out of the technology? How do you see it used in your business?
Stay tuned for more posts on the subject of AI (we’re going to drill into the AI stack so we can all understand it better, and spend some time breaking down the different AI-powered solutions on the market).
If you’ve been contemplating the implementation of AI technology into your business, contact us at City Communications. We can help you make the right decisions to maximize your return on investment and explore new technologies for your contact center
Contact center data is fricking fascinating. Most contact center systems come with reporting and monitoring tools that come with almost every contact-center system. Some are better than others, but most give you the kind of standard and custom reports, supervisory dashboards, and wallboard data to help you manage your contact center. The challenge for most of us is that the data is too exhaustive to digest and make sense of.
Advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and modern understanding of the psychology of our ability to interpret massive data sets visually (rather than in text, tables, or simple graphs), your current contact center reporting system lets you understand your business about as well as a mechanic can diagnose a poor-running car by looking at its license plate. We recently connected with an innovative service provider that has adapted a data visualization and consumption tool whose original purpose was to help military leaders consume massive amounts of data generated by modern, interconnected warfare systems. By representing complex data sets in visual, pattern-based presentations, they can be consumed and understood at a significantly higher level than the raw data contained within them. Now adapted to visualize contact center (and other business) data, their system can improve your understanding of your organization in three powerful ways. Empowered and engaged agents strive for personal achievement. At the agent level, this new data visualization tool provides a desktop dashboard applet/assistant that gives agents real-time feedback about their performance. Data is presented in a compact, visual way. Agents who strive achieve the goals and KPI’s set by their employers (agents who want to ‘win’ the contact center game and elevate themselves) can use the tool to measure their performance against goals and see how they rank against KPI’s and their colleagues. Think of it like a Fitbit for agents. Empowered agents achieve more. Empowered agents are more engaged with their work. An empowered agent workforce is more productive. Successful agents are more likely to stick. Empowering agent leads to efficiencies that lowers contact center labor cost. Operation Intelligence improves supervisor-to-agent ratios and lowers workforce costs. At the supervisor level, this powerful data visualization tool offers dashboards and triggers using pattern-recognition technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning to give supervisors the ability to spot where they need to coach their teams on the fly. This powerful assistive technology allows supervisors to serve more agents. A higher agent-to-supervisor ration means lower contact center labor cost and happier, more productive supervisors. Real-time feedback loops offer drive contact center strategy and performance. At the management/executive level, this category-establishing system visualizes the big picture. You’ll identify patterns in data and behavior that allow you to make quicker strategic and tactical and yield greater possible results. Imagine being able to look at one screen and know, from a pool of 1,000 agents, who your low performers are? Or imagine being able to ingest thousands of data points and identify a new opportunity for efficiency gains instantly? How could you drive results with that kind of insight? Have you ever seen a video of a child receiving hearing aids or glasses for the first time? That’s the same ‘Wow!’ moment we had seeing this system in action the first time. We’d like to share it with you. Fill out the form below, for a short introduction. |
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